These Are White Nationalists? What Is Behind TRS And The Alt-Right’s Gushing Effusion For Trump?

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 14:53.

/>Trump’s campaign was initiated in his agreement to dismantle the Iran Deal on Israel’s behalf. David Duke used to sternly caution against candidates who threatened to take Israel’s side against Iran.

​”Today, this hallowed Day One of the Trump Age” - so begins The Right Stuff article,”Requiem for a Dead Presidency”, (therightstuffbiz 20 Jan 2017), in which they hail the new age of a White Nationalist quid-pro-quo with Israel; while saying goodbye to the Israeli unfriendly Obama/Brzezinski platform. In this post, I hope to elaborate on the hypothesis that Kumiko and I are developing as to what is behind the “irony” that surrounds the Alt-Right’s effusion over the Trump Election.

David Duke: “It will be known as a day of salvation. ..this day was when we finally realized with all of our heart and soul that we would ultimately win, and that is the only thing that has hither held us back. Because the black pilling is what holds us back. When people know that victory is assured, that all we have to do is throw our minds and bodies and spirits into this war for everything truly holy and beautiful and against everything ugly and evil…this is a more important day than at Tours or The Gates of Vienna” - David Duke Show, 20 Jan 2017.

Inauguration day highlighted some of the irony of the Alternative Right in their enthusiasm for Trump and The Republican Party. The Alternative Right are people who fancy themselves White Nationalist at their core and Jew-wise at their most radical. Marked changes in the positions of WN and willful blindness to the irony of their effusive support for Trump show the hallmarks of their having been co-opted by a successful marketing campaign - taking their interests to resuscitate a moribund Republican Party, and even more fundamentally, marshaling the White vote to reconstruct the political system which they had accurately seen is not only corrupt, but inherently averse to acting in their ehtnonationalist interests and susceptible to corruption as such. So what has changed them, what has brought them to a different position regarding American politics and its parties? The long standing position of White Nationalism had been that “there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican party” in terms of their service to White Ethno-nationalism and that “the US Government is ‘ZOG.”

Jewish Journal, “Top 5 Jewish inauguration moments: Rabbi Hier, ‘America First,’ Chuck Schumer and more” - 20 Jan 2017:

Rabbi Marvin Hier during his prayer at the inauguration. Screenshot from YouTube

1. Rabbi Marvin Hier blesses President Donald Trump.

“Bless President Donald J. Trump and America and our great nation,” the Museum of Tolerance and Simon Wiesenthal Center founder said. “By the rivers of Babylon we wept as we remembered Zion,” he said, quoting the Psalm.

“The five Christian clerics all gave benedictions that varied from asking God’s blessings on America and the Trumps to declaring the importance of personal faith in Jesus as the only path to redemption,” wrote J.J. Goldberg in the Forward.

“It was left to the one non-Christian, Rabbi Marvin Hier…to quote the parts of the Bible that remind us of society’s obligation to the poor, the weak and powerless. Hier, a conservative-leaning Orthodox rabbi, has been under pressure for weeks from Jewish leftists to make a bold statement at the inaugural and speak up for social justice. I don’t think they expected to deliver, but he did — elegantly.

2. President Trump invokes the phrase “America First.”
President Donald Trump used the same terminology he often used during his campaign, despite the phrase’s association with a 1940s-era anti-Semitic organization.

“From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land,” Trump said. “From this day forward it’s going to be only America first. America first.”

During the campaign, dozens of American Jewish historians took exception with Trump’s use of that particular slogan.

3. Sen. Chuck Schumer provided a stark contrast to the inauguration speech

In contrast to Trump’s inauguration speech, Sen. Churck Schumer delivered a speech that emphasized diversity, tolerance, immigrants and the importance of government in people’s lives. He read excerpts from Civil War officer Maj. Sullivan Ballou who vowed to offer his life to defend the Union.

“Whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity,” Schumer said, “whether we are immigrant or native-born, whether we live with disabilities or do not, in wealth or in poverty, we are all exceptional in our commonly held, yet fierce devotion to our country, and in our willingness to sacrifice our time, energy, and even our lives to making it a more perfect union.”

Many in the crowd booed Schumer during his speech.

4. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner drive!

Twitter exploded at the news that the other First Couple – Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner – received rabbinic permission to drive during the inauguration festivities that would take place on Shabbat. As observant Jews the Kushners do not drive on the Sabbath.

According to a report in Kol Barama radio, the couple had been granted special permission by a rabbi to use a vehicle because of “safety” concerns.

Later, Twitter re-exploded when Jewish Insider reporter Jacob Kornbluh revealed the Kushners were not holding a Christian prayer book during the Trump family prayer service at the St. John’s church.

5. Battle of the Mazel Tovs

A few minutes apart, Trump received congratulations via Twitter from two very different fans.

“Congrats to my friend President Trump,” tweeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Look fwd to working closely with you to make the alliance between Israel&USA stronger than ever.”




Next-level TRS: Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich is actually Michael ‘Enoch’ ENOCKSON Peinovich-Sippel.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 21 January 2017 13:00.

It's a Minolta SR-T 101!
I’m staying on this story until every last detail is known.

Enter the next level

This article is Part 2 of an ongoing series about the TRS scandal. See also: Part 1.

Kind of like some kind of political equivalent of a K-R&B song about how a man just keeps lying so much that there is always another layer of lies beneath his first layer of lies, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich of The Right Stuff has been lying on a whole different level beneath the presently-existing lies.

However, rather than contemplating the fun concept of trolling with musical metaphors, I want you to instead follow me on a journey into the other barrel beneath the barrel that TRS had already sunk to the bottom of.

Welcome to Part 2 of the ongoing drama.

The present situation

So far, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich and his supporters have been frantically trying to channel all the discussions about his standing in the western ethno-nationalist scene toward his Jewish wife, Ames Friedman, as though the problem is confined only to her and as though the perniciousness and hypocrisies of these revelations can be mitigated by simply removing her from the situation through divorce. They have been resolutely ignoring the manifest high likelihood of Peinovich himself being Jewish, at least through his father’s side.

In a recent Rebel Yell podcast, Peinovich subtly referred to himself as a person of ‘mixed Jewish ancestry’. At 01:19:06 of that podcast, he said:

Rebel Shoah 18 Jan 2017, at 01h19m06s

But while people were grappling with that revelation, there is another secret lurking behind that.

As it turns out, Peinovich is additionally Jewish through his mother’s side. Seriously. This is actual reality. This is really happening. Read that sentence again, and consider the implications of it.

Peinovich is around and about 75% Jewish at least.

What we now know

Utilising the information that the first doxxing was able to dredge up, we were able to use that information to pivot across various branches of his family, including his siblings, but the most important link is that of his birth-mother.

Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father is Michael P. Peinovich. Peinovich senior is married to Billie Gleissner, but we have not taken the time to deeply examine Gleissner, because Gleissner is not Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s birth-mother. Rather, Gleissner is his step-mother.

Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father and his step-mother Billie Gleissner married each other in 1983. So who then, is Peinovich’s birth-mother?

We discovered that Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s birth-mother is Paula Sippel. Prior to 1983 she was known as Paula Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, her surname through her mother’s side is Enockson. That is the maternal name, which is likely the source of the nickname ‘Enoch’ which Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich is using literally in plain view.

Sometimes it’s the thing which is in plain view which paradoxically garners the least attention.

Two plus two is four

We know that Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father gets the name Peinovich from a Russified and Americanised variant of the Croatian name Pejnovic, and that the name is associated with Jewish demographies in Croatia.

We also know that Peinovich’s father married twice, and that in both cases he married women with Jewish surnames: Paula Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, and Billie Gleissner.

Additionally, we know that Peinovich’s mother carries the name Enockson through her own mother’s side of their family.

And then, to top it all off, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich ‘accidentally’ married a Jewish woman himself, Ames Friedman, the woman who is now at the centre of this recent Alt-Right scandal along with Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich.

Even the most sceptical people, in their heart of hearts, in their intuition, they know that there must be something there. There’s something. But they won’t admit it to themselves. Is it because of a cult of personality?

“How dare you speak the truth!?”

The most popular narrative among the sobbing defenders of Peinovich is that the people who are most viciously attacking TRS in the wake of this scandal, are people who have something to gain from bringing down TRS. Okay, sure.

Let’s be real here. TRS, the ‘inner party’, and the Alt-Right leadership core all got caught covering up a massive den of hypocrisy and money-grubbing deception at TRS, and they piled lies on top of lies within lies.

Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich had absolutely laughably ineffective OpSec, and as such it was possible to get his personal information and to discover everything about the fraud he was perpetrating. It was also possible to pivot across his family tree because his whole family maintained an ostentatious social media presence which could be easily dredged in the aftermath of the doxxing.

If you get caught doing something that you’re not supposed to be doing, and there is a good strategic reason for me to amplify the exposure of that scandal, then I will amplify it.

The ‘purity spiral’ meme

The TRS crowd desperately wants to call all of this ‘purity spiralling’ and thereby they hope to place a lid on the ongoing scandal.

I don’t call it ‘purity spiralling’. I call it ‘actually tackling the problem of Jewish subversion’.

Does this sound extreme? Some people are saying that the stance taken by the anti-TRS people such as myself, is ‘more extreme than Adolf Hitler’. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even someone such as George H.W. Bush would have purged someone like Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel just as fast, if Bush had been able to have his way.

Don’t believe me? Here are the Zionists complaining about George H.W. Bush:

Commentary Magazine / Tevi Troy, ‘How the GOP went Zionist’, 01 Dec 2015 (emphasis added):

[...] For the first 45 years of Israel’s existence, the Republican Party was deeply divided when it came to the Middle East. Powerful forces inside the GOP had long been at best uncomfortable with Israel and at worst openly hostile. Those forces included big businessmen and oilmen with deep connections and interests in Arab lands and so-called foreign-policy realists who did not see why the U.S. should maintain a special relationship with a tiny, economically negligible country surrounded by 22 Arab nations that wished it would disappear.


Following Reagan’s lead and influenced by the neoconservatives who had gravitated to the GOP, pro-Israel voices became more confident in expressing their view of the ties that bound the United States and the Jewish state—the same monotheistic roots, which disposed them to an appreciation for human dignity and self-determination, and a shared belief in a covenantal founding of both nations. This view helped the GOP establish an ideological framework for foreign policy beyond the binary question of Communist versus anti-Communist.

None of this was seamless. Reagan was succeeded by George H.W. Bush, himself quite literally a Country Club Republican and oilman by birth and occupation and a foreign-policy realist by disposition. He famously complained about the Israel lobby, saying ludicrously that he, the president, was “one lonely guy” up against “some powerful political forces” made up of “a thousand lobbyists on the Hill.” His secretary of state, James Baker, was even worse, earning the wrong kind of immortality with his line, “F— the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway.” Even as these attacks were going on, there were signs that Bush had already become an anachronism in a rapidly changing world—most notably the fact that the Baker line was leaked to the press by his disgusted fellow cabinet secretary Jack Kemp, a key figure in remaking the party as pro-Israel.

Also, objectively speaking, George H.W. Bush was better on trade issues than Donald Trump ever will be, and you will also find that unlike Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush was closer to a coherent global ethno-nationalist position, as seen in Bush’s stance on the Jewish Question, and in Bush’s stance on the defence of Eastern Europe and Central Asia from Russian colonial aggression.

Really makes you think, doesn’t it? Maybe someone should clone Bush senior and bring him back to power? I’m just raising it as an interesting point so that people can consider the present situation in context.

Shekel farmers

But hey, no, people like Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopolous, Paul Gottfried, Lauren Cherie Southern and Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel bandied around some fashy-looking memes on Twitter and told people to give up on searching for their own candidates or building their own parties, and instead rallied people to throw in their lot with Donald Trump under various stylistic guises – ranging from one extreme which is ‘Gorilla Mindset book’, to the other extreme which is ‘favicon.ico is an open oven which is really edgy’ – and as a result the Alt-Right in the United States became incapable of identifying the very same Jews that they professed to be on guard against.

The Alt-Right did however become very proficient at: (a.) supporting stupid protectionist trade policies to spite Asian manufacturers and prop up American oligarchical cronies, (b.) crafting insults that were calibrated to really annoy Hispanics, and (c.) supporting the slashing of (c, i.) their own health care provisions and (c, ii.) their own social security benefits, (d.) re-enabling the potential for a pointless future American war against Iran, and (e.) just as an extra bonus present for Israel they even managed to elevate Jared Kushner to the position of being literally the most powerful Jew to have ever inhaled oxygen in the universe.

For an encore, performed live from the front deck of the Lusitania, the Alt-Right will probably next declare an undying support for Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, with some stupid excuse like “no punching to the right”, whatever that even means. Watch and see, that will happen!


Being in kind – part 2

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 19 January 2017 22:49.

Before returning (in Part 3) to the compound structure of Being on which I concluded Part 1, I am going to introduce the beginnings of the identitarian exegesis to an otherwise ethnic nationalist essay.

Broadly, ethnic nationalism belongs to being and, therefore, to an ontological analysis.  Its cry of the heart is for “The Being of my people”, and it is therefore a cry for the freedom to subsist.  It is already a general organising principle of sorts, a pulse in the background of the life of all peoples.  But other than in times of extremis (Heidegger’s “Being towards death”), it is not a straightforward matter to bring it into the foreground as a positive, life-affirming force.  That was never more true than in our time, when the material comforts and alienations of our age, together with the gradual, indeed, generational unfolding of extremis, counsel for action another day … always another day … and make ethnic nationalism a less than reliable organising principle.

Add to that the ease with which our people’s many enemies, within and without, can de-legitimise any form of engagement with the race issue which is reactive and, therefore, negative, and the limitations of ethnic nationalist discourse become all too apparent.

Identitarianism, on the other hand, belongs to consciousness and, therefore, to a psychological analysis.  Its cry of the heart is or should be “This people is mine”, and it is a cry of a much more open kind, leading easily to the positive demand that, as “mine”, the people must freely and jointly destine.  Identitarianism, as they say, has legs in a way that ethnic nationalism does not.  Of course, we need both, to which end we shouldn’t be defeated by the idea that Being and Mind are contrary and exclusive ... or, indeed, that, notwithstanding Heidegger’s rejection of Descartes and Kant, ontology and psychology are such.  There is a coherence and compatibility, even if there is no perfect synthesis; and one of my basic aims in all these scribblings is to try to bring this out in a methodical way.


TRS founder Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich was exposed as being a Russian Jew.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 16 January 2017 08:42.

Look at that email address.

Viewing the source behind the web archive from 2014 reveals something amazing.

This article is Part 1 of an ongoing series about the TRS scandal.
See also: Part 2.

Order of Battle

As you all are aware, Mike Enoch, now revealed to be actually Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich, is the founder of the website The Right Stuff, which opened in 2012 and hosts the popular and dubiously overwrought podcasts Fash the Nation and The Daily Shoah.

The Right Stuff has spent the entirety of the past four years serving up piping-hot reactionary narratives all of which just so happen to serve the geostrategic agenda of the architects of Russian foreign policy by carrying out Active Measures, American domestic honeypot agenda of the FBI, and the Israeli security agenda.

But if anyone had pointed that out before today, such a person would have been called ‘paranoid’ and even ‘insane’. After today however, such a person would simply be called ‘well informed’.

Note: The name ‘Pejnovic’ has a diaspora in 20 countries worldwide and has its highest concentration in Zagreb, Gospic and Klenovac, Croatia. It is found in small numbers in Peru, in the United States, and in the Russian Federation. ‘Peinovich’ is a Russian-Jewish variant that found its way into the diaspora of the United States and in Argentina.

The whole saga leading up to the revelation of Enoch’s real identity, started after Red Ice Radio hosted a show on 26 December 2016 in which Reactionary Jew was invited on as a guest and Lana Lokteff asked the audience to give them feedback on whether right-wing Jews have a place in the supposedly ethno-nationalist political scene that has recently been emerging in the west.

This question was of course met with outrage from various quarters as would be expected. But what was truly interesting was that many of the users and even some global moderators at The Right Stuff began to respond to that provocative question in the affirmative. That was met with deep suspicion by everyone, because it is suspicious.

The controversy and trolling then moved to 4chan /pol/, which is basically the wild west. People from The Right Stuff orchestrated a two week long posting and sliding campaign in which non-stop wall-to-wall pro-Israel propaganda posts and threads were created by them. 4chan /pol/ moderators then began banning all of the TRS people who were doing that, and the details of the bans were then taken back to the TRS forums and presented there.

This is just an example of some of the things that the TRS people were putting up:

4chan post 106813204

4chan post 106807711

TRS then proceeded to deny everything. They claimed that other groups were impersonating them. Some claimed that Hillary Clinton’s CTR was conducting pseudo-operations against them. Some claimed that EU Stratcom was targeting them. Some claimed that British intelligence was targeting them. Some claimed that ‘SJWs’ and Chicago Antifa were trolling them. They claimed that somehow Stormfront was trying to make them look bad. The claims were feverish and frenetic, bold and brash, and all diversionary nonsense.

Somewhere along the way, the TRS people decided that since they were trapped in that situation, the ultimate distraction would be to initiate a miniature Cyberwar against 8chan for no apparent reason. TRS decided to attempt a DDoS against 8chan. It failed. At this point, 8chan /baphomet/ became interested in the feud and many of its denizens informed TRS that they must stop their behaviour immediately, and that they must also apologise for the DDoS attacks and that they must apologise for making the pro-Israel posts, on air, or it would be war.

TRS basically then told 8chan /baphomet/ to “bring it on”.

8chan is however, an anonymous message board that sits on the edge of the Darknet. So they brought it, but no one really will ever know who ‘they’ are. TRS found itself being DDoS’d and this forced them to take shelter under Cloudflare. While the TRS staff were attending to that, they also found themselves being doxxed and the process was being crowdsourced on 8chan /baphomet/.

TRS then tried to go back to 4chan /pol/ and play the two sites against each other by claiming that 8chan /baphomet/ were actually the Antifa. Of course, TRS had just previously bombastically accused 4chan /pol/ of being the Hillary campaign on one hand and of being western intelligence on the other, so no one at 4chan was really in the mood for yet another round of that nonsense again. Furthermore, TRS had misunderstood the nature of anonymous message boards, supposing that there was a real dividing line between the ‘communities’ at 8chan and at 4chan. There is no such dividing line in actuality, because no one is seriously loyal to an anonymous message board. It’s just a vehicle through which various actors can drape themselves in a cloak of trendy anonymity. There is no ‘community’.

The Right Stuff subsequently found itself being Blown The Fuck Out by all of its adversaries, and all of their adversaries were able to maintain anonymity during the process.

Isn’t that marvellous?


It turns out that Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich is a Javascript Developer and a Public Relations Professional who has worked as a Front End Developer at BurrellesLuce, Time Inc, and Vook. He’s from New York. Vook was later rebranded as Pronoun, and is now a subsidiary of Holtzbrink Publishing Group.

Oh, and Peinovich is a Russian Jew married to a Jewish woman named Ames Friedman.

In 2010 he ran an Anarcho-capitalist blog called ‘Emptiness’, at which his wife made several comments with her real name.

In the same year, Peinovich also wrote an article for the Mises Institute.

On 03 July 2015, Peinovich appeared on Red Ice Radio, and actually mentioned that article which he had written for the Mises Institute, when he was explaining to them that he ‘used to be a libertarian’. He cryptically commented after the 13 minutes 25 seconds timestamp, “if you find it, ask if it’s me, and if you get it right, maybe I’ll tell you.”

At this point I don’t think anyone will need to be making any guesses about that anymore. On top of that, Peinovich earlier admitted to everything on the TRS forums before basically transforming himself into the ‘shut it down’ meme and shutting everything down:

TRS 504ums post 722450

There is no more speculation, there is only fact. Mike ‘Enoch’ Peinovich in fact admitted to what he has done.

Datamining concerns

Assuming that the entire TRS entity either originated as or became a full spectrum Information Operation, it means that all the usernames, email addresses, IP addresses, access logs, security questions, and password hashes that were submitted by people who—against all good advice—chose to actually register on the ridiculous TRS forum have a not-insignificant probability of falling into the hands of any number of adversaries who Peinovich may have allegiance to. FBI? Mossad? Who even knows at this point?

Does anyone really think this story is over? For some people, the problems may only just have begun.

Questions Remain

The remaining question would be, who knew about Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s Jewish identity before it was exposed today, when did they know, and if anyone did know, why wasn’t it exposed via normal channels much earlier?

A lot of people were in a position to have noticed the fact that Peinovich was in fact a Russian Jew orchestrating a massive disinformation campaign against everyone, one which may have influenced the outcome of the American election and created significant disruption in other English-speaking countries.

This is a partial list of the people who have directly interacted with Peinovich in some way over the past few years, and who one would think ordinarily should have detected that something was very wrong:

  • Richard Spencer
  • Greg Johnson
  • Kevin MacDonald
  • Colin Liddell
  • Jared Taylor
  • Andrew Anglin
  • Lana Lokteff
  • Henrik Palmgren
  • David Duke
  • Colin ‘Millenial Woes’ Robertson
  • Kyle Bristow
  • James Edwards
  • John Friend
  • Sam Dickson
  • Jack Donovan
  • William Regnery
  • Andrew ‘Weev’ Auernheimer

It’s truly astounding that supposedly none of those people noticed anything, despite them having either worked with him and having been in interviews with him, or them having called in to TRS during its radio shows. At one point, Peinovich was even brought into a live podcast during the NPI 2015 conference.

Of particular significance is Peinovich’s relationship to Kyle Bristow. Bristow is the Executive Director of Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, Inc., an Alt-Right organisation that advocates on behalf of Alt-Right figures and coordinates legal services for them. Peinovich joined its board of directors on 11 December 2016, joining five lawyers, and law student, and a journalist who were already on the board of directors there. I presume they too might like everyone to believe that they didn’t notice anything?

Another one of key significance is Peinovich’s connection to Andrew ‘Weev’ Auerenheimer. Weev is the person who basically did a significant amount of work on the TRS website in order to ‘secure’ it. At some point between 2014 and 2017, the Paypal donations on that site were deactivated and only the Bitcoin donations remained. If Weev was the one who implemented that change, did he not notice the email address linked to their Paypal account was a glaring giveaway about who Mike Enoch really is? But if he did notice the disturbing truth, why did he not alert anyone? Many people could speculate.

Here are some examples of obvious clues that they could have picked up on:

Rebel Yell 145, at 19m55s

Rebel Yell 145, at 25m10s

Rebel Yell 145, at 28m00s

Just as large swathes of the American population were getting ready to give up on the system as it presently exists and to instead settle into total cynicism, along came the Trumpists and outlets like The Right Stuff, who managed to revitalise and rescue the ridiculous system yet again!

And also there was this extra incident here:

Mike Enoch basically admits he's Jewish!

Fucking incredible. All of the anti-semitic rhetoric that was going on there basically was a cover for the fact that a whole Jewish operation was being conducted right under the noses of the supposedly ‘red pilled’ and ‘savvy’ generation of new American right-wing activists.

Over the coming days and weeks, I’m sure that all kinds of explanations will be forthcoming from all of those people. The question that needs to be asked over and over again, is this: Who knew about Peinovich’s Jewish identity before today, and if any of them did know, when precisely did they know, and why did they not reveal it as soon as they became aware of it?


Trump and his cyber ‘czar’ Giuliani want to outsource US cybersecurity. Can you guess where-to?

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 14 January 2017 05:01.

I was going to write about this myself, but then I realised that an article about this already existed on Ars Technica, so I will simply present it here without preamble:

Ars Technica UK, ‘Giuliani announces he’ll be Trump’s czar for the cyber thing’, 12 Jan 2017 (emphasis added):

Former NY mayor tells Fox that private industry will solve cybersecurity for the US.

On Fox News’ morning show Fox & Friends, former mayor (and frequent proxy for Donald Trump) Rudy Giuliani announced that he would be coordinating a cybersecurity advisory group for the Trump administration.

Giuliani’s bona fides for this role apparently spring from his time as chair of the “Cybersecurity, Privacy and Crisis Management Practice” at the New York law firm Greenberg Traurig, a position he assumed a year ago. However, it’s not clear that Giuliani has ever had any direct experience in cybersecurity law or policy. Giuliani previously was a partner in a Houston-based international law firm Bracewell (formerly Bracewell & Giuliani) for over 10 years, and he ran his own security consulting firm based on his mayoral experience and credibility from New York City’s measures taken after the September 11, 2001 terror attack. But Giuliani is really counting on private industry to provide all the answers.

“The President-elect decided that he wanted to bring in on a regular basis the private sector—the corporate leaders in particular and thought leaders in particular for cyber, because we’re so far behind,” said Giuliani. “And it’s his belief which I share, that a lot of the solutions are out there, we’re just not sharing them. It’s like cancer—there’s cancer research going on all over the place. You’d almost wish they’d all get together in one room, and maybe they’d find a cure.”

Giuliani said he believes that industry will have to lead an answer to cybersecurity rather than government. “That’s where we have the great creativity and we have the huge amount of money, and that’s where we have these great companies, the greatest in the world,” Giuliani said this morning. “So the idea here is to bring together corporate leaders and their technological people. The president will meet with them on an ongoing basis, as well as anyone else in the administration… I’ll coordinate the whole thing.”

The goal appears to be a one-way flow of information from industry to the government. “Number one, it’ll give the government all the information available in the private sector,” Giuliani explained. “Number two, it’ll form a little more connection between these people who are doing cybersecurity so they can work with each other. Some of these people, you put one and two together, you’re going to come up with six.”

Much of the private sector already shares information with each other, so it’s not really clear what benefit other than presidential face time corporate executives and “technological people” will get out of this proposed arrangement. The financial industry, for example, has the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center; the auto, aviation, telecommunications, health, retail, and transportation industries, among others, all have their own organizations as well.

Previously, there have been efforts, including the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, to encourage an exchange of information between government and industry. And the Obama administration made attempts to foster other industries to form information sharing and analysis organizations (ISAOs) through the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center. That administration also encouraged information sharing standards.

It’s not clear what roles any ISAOs will have in this new cybersecurity body, or even who the “thought leaders” Giuliani wants to participate will be. But Giuliani apparently wants to include foreign cybersecurity firms, including some from Israel. “They have tremendous cyberdefense research,” he said this morning. “We don’t get access to that over here.”

This post originated on Ars Technica

So there’s that. Apparently Rudy Giuliani knows just enough about cybersecurity to try to delineate precisely what it is and where it begins and ends, but not enough to know that IO, EW and ‘CW’ exist along a long gradient and that outsourcing a government’s cybersecurity to a foreign state’s supposedly ‘private’ companies, is a really bad idea because all the things on the gradient actually cannot be disentangled from each other.

The fact that the Trump administration would allow any input from Israel on this issue, is enabled because they have been able to take advantage of the mandate handed to them by their apparently desperate supporters, to such an extent that they have been able to now embark on reversing even the most reasonable policies of the Obama administration. The Trump administration is continually signalling that the US after 20 Jan 2017 will be trusting Israel to a degree that is unprecedented in American history.

Basically they are handing over what can only be described as a critical institutional chokepoint in the cyber domain, to Israel.

We can no longer allow liberals and brackets to co-opt issues of environment and species diversity

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 January 2017 18:07.

        This nonsense has got to stop.


Join the Resistance to Trump’s Attack on Our Environment and Civil Rights

The #Earth2Trump Roadshow is coming — or has already come — to a town near you this month.

The roadshow is rallying and empowering defenders of civil rights and the environment to resist Trump’s dangerous agenda. Stopping in 16 cities on its way to D.C., it’s bringing thousands of people to protest at the presidential inauguration.

Having kicked off in Oakland and Seattle on Jan. 2, the #Earth2Trump Roadshow is touring the country bringing speakers, musicians, outrage, fun and hope to a total of 16 cities as it progresses toward the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.

The free shows feature national and local speakers, great musicians, and an opportunity to join a growing movement of resistance to all forms of oppression and all attacks on our environment. We must stand and oppose every Trump policy that hurts wildlife; poisons our air and water; destroys our climate; promotes racism, misogyny or homophobia; and marginalizes entire segments of our society.

That includes White people and our species too, baldy. We are not Trump.
Trump does not represent White people, our best interests, nor our best relation to environment and others.

Brackets have been co-opting, along with their liberal trainees, issues of environmental and species diversity as if it is their cause and then militating against “racism” as if Europeans are not a species with habitat, as if discrimination against more prolific breeders and antagonistic species who encroach is not an essential capacity to maintain speciation and habitat sustainability; the liberals here also tuck a campaign against “misogyny” into their environmentalism, as if females should bear no critique on behalf of human ecology? As if hatred of men, White men, has not been open season for over 60 years now, and doesn’t warrant a response?

To allow our cause of European advocacy to be associated with right-wing destruction of human and natural ecology is no longer acceptable. Nor is it for the brackets to continually associate their liberal political causes with environmentalism and biodiversity.

We can give credit where credit is due to those living ecologically - e.g., a native American tribe living with the environment - great.

We can call to account our right-wingers and liberals where they are not living ecologically, where international capital, industrial, consumer society, liberal universalism impact ourselves and others deleteriously: a key difference of White Post Modernity is that unlike Modernity, it does not merely stop when it is forced to stop by nature. It recognizes internal relation, limits and differences that make a difference. It has a deliberate stance in that regard from the onset. Unlike the mono-culturalism of primitive groups and the universalim of liberal modernist societies, White Post Modernity recognizes the delimitations of pervasive ecology and reflexive effects in internal relation from the start....including instances where liberals and brackets try use “environmentalism” to prevent more developed countries from assisting growing ethnostates - and vis a versa, where they obstruct those growing ethno-states from cooperating with more developed nations in their contraction into ethno-states.

But we also need to be critical where criticism is due, not only of females, delicate and sensitive creatures though they are, not only of White right-wingers who screw-up the issue of ecology, in one way or another, where they try to deal with it, or where they’re downright antagonistic, but where racial groups impact the rest of the world.

Right wingers, liberals and their bracket masters are going to have to recognize that their “anti-racism” thing is a fundamental scourge against necessary human classification - which is requisite for accountability and necessary discrimination on behalf of human ecology, thus ultimately, all ecology.


Hate-Crimes: affirmative action for Whites to compensate for over-representation of black crime

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 08 January 2017 05:06.

The toilet: where “Civil Rights” would place your senses.

Once you arrive at your destination - The United States Public Institution - there above the portal as you enter Orwellian hall, looms the placard, the ubiquitous injunction to leave your senses behind: “Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, disability, etc, is prohibited by federal law.”

You are not to deploy your eyes, ears, sense of touch, senses generally, to discriminate in defense of yourself and your kindred folk’s group interests.

In the event that you get any ideas on the way to the public institution, ideas to return to your senses, react, perhaps even “over react”, big brother is there with you too, as you make your way via public transportation, U.S.A. - whether bus, tram, train or the waiting rooms - big brother is there to remind you, watching you, reminding you not to come to your senses too rashly - looming ominously, pervasively over your head, right along with cctv cameras and sundry advertisements are the “public service announcements” that “hate crimes” are subject to an additional massive fine and ten years imprisonment.

So as not to forget, there hanging over your head is a reminder of this specially enhanced law, “discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, disability” etc, is against the federal civil rights act - you are to be reminded of the compensatory penalties that you will be subject-to if you give way to your senses and react to patterns of black criminality and to the fact that they are rarely charged with this law, even though you know them to be racist, even though they commit vastly more racially motivated crimes against Whites. You are to be reminded not to embark upon that slippery sensible slope, especially because the sloping trail may lead you to the realization that the same can be said about Jews - that they commit vastly more crimes against Whites, viz., if White collar crimes are taken into account; if laws were properly drafted so as to proscribe deliberate or reckless destruction to E.G.I. such as perpetrated through the social engineering of School Integration, the ‘64 Civil Rights Act, ‘65 Immigration and Naturalization Act, The Rumford Fair Housing Act, Section 8 Housing, H.U.D. and the subsequent 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.

Of course the objectivists, so proud of this pure system of theirs, wouldn’t want to sully it by coming to their senses either - otherwise they might ask, “a crime is a crime, so why the additional penalty in recognition of cultural patterns?”

Alex Linder has a suggestion for them - blacks commit far more interracial crime, therefore, Whites “require” compensatory punishment to balance things out: “Hate crimes are affirmative action for Whites”, for their under-representation in interracial criminality. ....he might have added, probably would add, the vastly disproportionate representation by Jews in White collar and social engineering crimes (inasmuch as they could be on the books) committed against Whites and others’ EGI.

In regard to the Chicago incident, apparently the fact that the White kid was also mentally disabled facilitated liberal mentality to generate a rare hate-crime charge against black perpetrators:


ABC News, “Hate-Crime Charges Filed in Attack on Mentally Disabled Man”, 5 Jan 2017:

Four black people were charged with hate crimes Thursday in connection with a video broadcast live on Facebook that showed a mentally disabled white man being beaten and taunted, threatened with a knife and forced to drink from a toilet.

The assault went on for hours, until Chicago police found the disoriented victim walking along a street, authorities said.

The suspects, who were jailed, can be heard on the video using profanities against white people and President-elect Trump.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said investigators initially concluded that the 18-year-old man was singled out because he has “special needs,” not because he was white. But authorities later said the charges resulted from both the suspects’ use of racial slurs and their references to the victim’s disability.

DM, “Black teens are charged with a HATE CRIME after live-streaming torture of white disabled man who they held prisoner for days before he escaped - as cops reveal they have shown NO remorse,”  5 Jan (updated 8 Jan): 2017:


...that’s when the sisters tied him up and the group started torturing him for about six hours. Half an hour of this torture was live-streamed on Facebook, showing the group beating the young man, cutting off a piece of his scalp, forcing him to drink toilet water. At one point in the video, one of the four yells ‘f*** Donald Trump. F*** white people’ at the victim.

Pursuit of Authentic “Soul” Takes Wrong Turn From White Soul: Eat It - Humble Pie & Black Coffee

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 07 January 2017 05:04.

Black Coffee and Humble Pie - Eat It: British musicians quest for authentic organicism in their rock n’ roll took a turn to estrangement from Whiteness.

To the British hippie looking to pursue his dream of rock stardom unfettered by the inorganicism of letters and to facilitate his effort to outflank musical competitors by dint of his capacity to assimilate black organicism - black soul - his motives might have appeared one and the same as self actualization in the hippie agenda - appearing as universal expression, absent as it were authentication through confrontation of his own mortality, in the draft and the stark contrast with the reality of MLK’s “dream”, let alone Malcolm X’s.

There was a significant difference in motivation between British and American hippies in that the British context lacked the personal being toward death that confronted American hippies through the Vietnam draft; and the collective being toward death confronting them directly in day to day life with blacks in numbers; especially absent, as Americans were, the deep, historically confirmed social group of their (White) people and place, which British hippies took for granted.

Taking that for granted, the British hippies had a distorted view on blacks, largely seeing the pleasantly presented musical aspects of blacks, initially by ((Chess Records))); or representations in (((American and British media))) of blacks as “arbitrarily” oppressed. Without the lived experience of having to deal with blacks in numbers, on equal nationalist footing (actually not equal - blacks had an advantage in the sense that they were allowed to organize in their group interests, having had strident and powerful Jewish backing as such), but by contrast, given British hippies’ capacity to rely on the superior warrant of their White historical people and place, their native experience lacked the existential circumstances of crisis which made for the profound element of hippiedom - its quest for midtdasein - especially for the White male part.

It is not that I lack of sympathy for their mistake, since when I was yet to be confronted on the precarious recourse of civic nationalism by blacks in numbers - as I would be in a few years, with “school integration” - I myself looked upon American southerner’s “prejudice” against blacks as “abhorrent.” I didn’t know from experience, but rather from what (((TV))) had told me. In fact, I incredulously asked my cousins from Alabama “why southerners were prejudiced against blacks?”

But whereas I merely needed to be bused to the black side of town, as I would be in 1971, to learn my lesson and eat humble pie, it could take considerably more to disabuse a British musician of his dream of being a part of the British rock n’ roll invasion of America. He had brushed-up for months on his black licks while he spun Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters records as an isolated variable in his house - safely ensconced in a White nation (while perhaps envious of American success and seeing his superior lack of prejudice as means to rise above the crude, nouveau riche Americans) - removed from the American black movement’s disconcerting contrast with the hippies’ weird, organic expressions of White male midtdasein. On the one hand, there was the contrast of the intimidating aggression of black power as compared to the hippie goal for peaceful communal being; and on the other hand there was the awkwardness of the weird and unkempt hippies by contrast to the studied dress and manner (horn-rimmed glasses, thin ties and uniform black suits) that the Marxist Highlander School of Tennessee taught black civil rights activists to carry themselves with - an air prim and proper, full of “integrity” and “dignity” was to be projected with black “civil rights activism.”

To the British hippie looking to pursue his dream of rock stardom unfettered by the inorganicism of letters and to facilitate his effort to outflank musical competitors by dint of his capacity to assimilate black organicism - black soul - his motives might have appeared one and the same as self actualization in the hippie agenda - appearing as universal expression, absent as it were authentication through confrontation of his own mortality, in the draft and the stark contrast with the reality of MLK’s “dream”, let alone Malcolm X’s.

While sleeping with White whores, Marxist trained MLK projected innocence and promoted “a dream” to the naive and disingenuous, that black and White children could blend to no harm; black Muslim trained Malcolm X preached to the black power militancy of his own, proclaiming along with Elijah Muhammad that “the black man would rule.”

He was not quite getting that the emulation of black organic being lacked the requisite delimitation of White midtdasein, the authentic, organic expression of its peoplehood; at that time organic White male being sought crucial reprieve from the habit of war, alleviation from monocultural (nee universal) male rites of passage and the overcompensating traditional male role of tribal aggression as a result. Having his ancient national recourse to duck the repercussions and the direct experience of living with blacks pursuing their own power nationalism and civic motives made it harder to dismiss the Enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice and the Jewish hard-sell misrepresentation of prejudice against blacks was invalid. The British rock musician could more easily fancy his grand tour of The US market as a gospel barnstorm; imagine his band on an evangelical mission, to demonstrate non-prejudice and good will toward blacks et al; he could not fully appreciate that his vision was a controlled illusion of (((The Western Media and Powers That-Be, generally))) that might be woken up to reality if only cold water were thrown in his small face by tour’s end, when it was time to retreat home.

Still there was this great pitfall besides brackets for White males in their pursuit of authentic Being at this point. Their pursuit of midtdasein in correction of past over compensations that resulted of didactic incitement to arbitrary competition remained stigmatic against traditional gender roles -  midtdasein was not only going against the male role of aggressive competitor, but against his pursuit of sheer victory and achievement, going against the pinnacle of stand-out actualization above society, or rather atop, but still comfortably aligned, which was the linear traditional direction of male quest.

Moving beyond mere custom and habit of tradition, to reject this quest of pinnacle actualization as a priority nevertheless remained stigmatic from the newly hegemonic modernist standpoint also - its sanctioned pursuit of self actualization as a universal good and in a universal context, transcendent of group interests, was the offered reward for any man who’d compete for it and win it - but offering no sympathetic rest for midtdasein. No, the naively anti-social, a-historical, a-contextual pursuit of self actualization was not only the upshot of traditional objectivism itself, but exploited and exacerbated by Jewish tribal interests who maintained group organization for themselves while inciting profound group competition for others: pandering to female inclination to incite genetic competition in modernist feminism; and otherwise distorting beyond reason the modernist rule structure; saliently, by means of “civil individual rights” and the prohibition of group classification and discrimination by Whites as “racism”; i.e., aiding out-groups, and leaving midtdasein a highly unsympathetic quest by contrast. 

But another large pitfall of the hippie movement and why it did not succeed in becoming articulate in promulgating its organic motive of midtdasein, its profound importance, was that in an initial phase, at least, Being would move toward organic synthesis and against analysis - rebelling against the artificial divisions of analysis, whether the analysis facilitated by mere words or the more baroque analysis of academia and its traditions. Furthermore, males, especially in the disorder of modernity, tended not to be in the addressive position (how are you? can I have a date? Oh, I care about your feelings, why did he hurt you? etc.), a position that contributes to becoming articulate, a position that females occupy increasingly with the upshot of modernity, with the assumption that their intrinsic feelings and thoughts are worth consideration and worth more on the market - with incentive to maintain that increasingly competed for one up position through didactic incitement. Lacking that second person addressive position by contrast and incitement, males would tend to overcompensate, seeking stilted prosthesis in the detached third person position - e.g., a rock star to his audience.

This could result in a kind of estrangement, superficiality and naivete in the pursuit of authentic self actualization, particularly when pursued by alpha male musicians flouting education, “jive-talk” (as opposed to the basic talk), flouting the awkward sublimation, the nerdishness that is characteristic of a good part of authentic White male being. Again, this European soul, as it were, was distinct form the black power and civil rights movement which would view White organic variants as geeky White jive, lacking in the black man’s “sou- ee oo - ee ou—- ooouwel - oou - ouwhel” and “in-teg-ritae.”

Itchycoo Park: Over Bridges of Sighs.To rest my eyes in shades of green. Under Dreaming Spires. To Itchycoo Park, that’s where I’ve been. What did you do there? - I got high. What did you feel there? - Well I cried. But why the tears there? - I’ll tell you why - yyyyy. It’s all too beautiful, It’s all too beautiful. It’s all too beautiful, It’s all too beautiful. I feel inclined to blow my mind. Get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun. They all come out to groove about. Be nice and have fun. in the sun. I’ll tell you what I’ll do - What will you do? I’d like to go there now with you. You can miss out school. Won’t that be cool. Why go to learn the words of fools? What will we do there? We’ll get high. What will we touch there? We’ll touch the sky. But why..

Because authentic White male being will manifest the quirkiness of our optimal sublimation, the appreciation of which is a part of our K selection strategy, its authentic expression was revealed in initial spontaneous, organic expression - that is essential to why this celebration of the weird was a part of hippiedom as well. Blacks, and R selectors generally, are not circumspect enough in their concerns to be weird in the flighty way that Whites are - blacks are cool and overly comfortable, at home in the world, their patterns are too old, stable, masculine and no-nonsensical to be weird in the White way. If sufficiently understood, the appreciation of this optimal White male sublimation would serve to gauge authentic praxis, between the Cartesian extremes of empirical myopia and abstract universalism. This median male sublimation, as opposed to over-confidence, gives us sufficient empathy and pause to spawn intellectual creativity. But within the inciting context of modernity, the pursuit of midtdasein for White males, was but a flicker that was extinguished when it was no longer required consolation against the absurdity of the Vietnam war.


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Al Ross commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Sat, 02 Nov 2024 04:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Sat, 02 Nov 2024 03:57. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Sat, 02 Nov 2024 03:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Fri, 01 Nov 2024 23:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Mon, 28 Oct 2024 23:14. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 23:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Wed, 23 Oct 2024 14:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 23:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Dutch farmers go where only Canadian truckers did not fear to tread' on Fri, 18 Oct 2024 17:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Wed, 16 Oct 2024 00:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Wed, 16 Oct 2024 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Mon, 14 Oct 2024 11:19. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Mon, 14 Oct 2024 05:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Mon, 14 Oct 2024 00:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Sat, 12 Oct 2024 23:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Sat, 12 Oct 2024 10:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Doing the Basic Math For Net Asset Tax As Proposed by Bowery In 1992' on Fri, 11 Oct 2024 00:50. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Doing the Basic Math For Net Asset Tax As Proposed by Bowery In 1992' on Thu, 10 Oct 2024 18:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Doing the Basic Math For Net Asset Tax As Proposed by Bowery In 1992' on Mon, 07 Oct 2024 22:28. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Doing the Basic Math For Net Asset Tax As Proposed by Bowery In 1992' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 23:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 11:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 11:11. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 05:39. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 05:28. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 05:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Sat, 28 Sep 2024 11:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Sat, 28 Sep 2024 10:26. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:49. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:09. (View)

Phil commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:31. (View)

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